
This is a piece I created called "T.G.I.F"

It is the only piece I have ever done that made me cry.

It started with a chocolate bunny. Not having any idea where this might take me... (bottom right corner)
Then I added the crucifixion.
Then I added the hill.
Then I added the array of baskets, bunnies, chicks, colored eggs, et al at the base.
Then I added the bold graffiti mark that starts with the "X" and rises upward with the arrow toward the sky.

Then I looked on the internet,... typed in "Easter Sale" and got this gem of an ad with big bunny
ears along with the phrase "Hop On Over" along with the code "hop13" strange number to include
with that I thought... It seemed perfect to finish this piece. I was going to put it off to the side of the crucifixion, but then I thought
much better right in the middle. It seemed offensive. I was troubled with it. It was disturbing... It was perfect...
I then added the blood.

The effect I have created here is that of many people coming along and adding their own contribution and the end
result is something that takes on it's own new meaning. It's full of metaphors just as Jesus messages were.
It's difficult to look at, as it should be...

This is my way of angrily flipping the merchants tables in the high Temple.
Also to show what modern day 'soldiers' did/would do again to mock Jesus.

There it is, sad but powerful. offensive and disturbing as it should be.

The churches in Italy are full of paintings depicting this moment.
This is my version...